Notes for future versions of this class:
  • Does Kernighan talk about time-sharing? It would be good if students read a little bit about processes, threads, time-sharing, and context switching before the student presentations. (Useful background before learning about multi-processors and virtual memory.)
  • Should there be other Kernighan reading assignments?
  • Think about adding "Assessing Your Understanding" quizzes (can be short and easy if they did the reading/video).
  • Grade early assignments quickly to encourage students to submit things on time.
  • Download and do first stage of grading (does it compile and run without core dumps?) quickly, so you can respond quickly with very little work (or feedback) if it doesn't even compile.
  • Maybe add something about how to build a two-input MUX between covering full-adders and building their own four-bit ALU? (But I probably would still have them create 3 outputs (light bulbs) for ADD, AND, and SUB, rather than ask them to add 4 MUXes to an already-complicated diagram.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following schedule represents a current best guess concerning actual due dates (and everything else), to give you a general idea of the pace and timing of the class. This schedule is likely to change as the quarter progresses.
Last modified on .

Reading assignments are from Patterson and Hennesey (P&H) unless specified otherwise. K&R refers to The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie. (Alternatives to K&R include Essential C and The GNU C Programming Tutorial.) K refers to Understanding the Digital World (2nd Edition) by Brian Kernighan.

(Most of the Kernighan reading assignments have not been added to the schedule yet!)

Skip directly to Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10

Preparing Before the Term Begins:
Week 1
Tues 1
Before Week 1:
Install the software necessary for this course and review material from COMP 101. (See Preparing Before the Term Begins above.)

Welcome to "Comp. Org."! - 5 min   (slide)

Want to get a head-start on C?
Intro to Basic Structure of C Programs - 15.5 min (slides; Example C code used in video)
Read K&R: Ch. 1 - 1.6 (Overview of C)

The first minute of How a CPU Works in 100 Seconds is good, but next 1.5 min on Fetch/Execute cycle is based on an Accumulator model. That is followed by 10.5 min on M1 vs Intel that might be interesting later in the quarter.
Welcome to the course!
A word about the syllabus and the books.
Format of this course

In-Class Exercise:
Set Up Git and Kit
(I've created a video on configuring Git and setting up SSH keys (7.5 min).)

Assignment 1: Cloning and Submitting Git Repository Projects in Kit (PowersOfTwo)
Due before Thursday.
(This means 11:59pm Wednesday. See the Syllabus.)
Related video: Using Git to Get/Submit Code to/from Kit (or Watch Alyce do a "Hello world" version of Assignment 1) - 13.5 min
(Note: You do not have to use vi, just because Alyce does! Most students use VS code instead.) (Note 2: The issues with the Turn In button are fixed, so you can ignore my comments about that in the last minute of the video.)

Announce that assignments will be due at 11:59pm -- if it says "Before Thursday" then it is due as 23:59 on Wednesday.

Follow-up Activity:
Read over the Syllabus, especially the sections on Assignments and Due Dates, and Collaboration and the Honor System. Follow the links and read the short pages on Community Guidelines and Showing Respect and Support in the Community.

C Follow-up (if you didn't do this already):
Intro to Basic Structure of C Programs - 15.5 min (slides; Example C code used in video)
Read K&R: Ch. 1 - 1.6 (Overview of C)
Thurs 1
Submit to Kit before Thursday: PowersOfTwo Project

More C:
Arrays and Strings - 12.5 min (slides on arrays, slides on strings)
Multiple file C Compilation Process - 3 min ( steps, data flow )
K&R: 1.7 - end
K&R: 5.1 - 5.5 (Arrays and Strings)
P&H: Appendix B.3, B.4 (Linkers, Loaders)

Brief Intro to Operating Systems and the Unix/Linux Kernel and Filesystem - 12 min (slide)

Optional, if you're interested in learning more:
Additional Slides on Getting Started with Unix and/or Vi
Skim (or read) the Wikipedia pages for Shell (computing) (Intro & Overview) and Kernel (operating system) (first 3 paragraphs).
Skim (or read) the initial paragraphs and the first three History sections (Precursors, Creation, Naming) of the Wikipedia page on Linux.
Skim (or read) the History section of the Wikipedia page on GNU. and the Overview section of the Wikipedia page on POSIX.

Reference: Introduction To Unix by Mark Thomas (E-book)
In-Class Exercise: Binary 101

Programming Practice: Character Representation
Due before Tuesday.

Programming Practice: Encoding/Decoding Names
Due before Tuesday.

Minutes 11 - 14 and 20:05 - 23:57 of Watch Alyce get started with the Disassembler project might be useful for students working on encode/decode.

Follow-up Activity — COMP 101 Review:
Representing Numbers in Decimal, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal - 12 min — Playback at 1.5 speed through things you remember (slides)
ASCII/UTF-8 - 5 min — Playback at 1.5 speed through things you remember (slides; click repeatedly to see full slide)
Very Important Number Representation Question:
Why do computer scientists confuse Halloween and Christmas?  :-)
(show answer)

Submit to Kit: Week 1 Reflection is due Sunday evening
First Read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 1.1: subsection on Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics (pp. 5-7)
Ch. 1.2: Below Your Program (pp. 10-13)
(Optional) Ch. 1.3 Under the Covers (pp. 13-26)
Week 2
Tues 2
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday:
Programming Practice: Character Representation
Programming Practice: Encoding/Decoding Names

More C Videos:
Structures (with a little more information about printf) - 2.5 min (slides)
C Pointers - 11.5 min (slides)
Do Pointer Exercise questions #1-4 and bring to class (pdf version)
Parameter Passing (with a little information about scanf) - 6 min (slides)
Makefiles - 3.5 min (slide) — The DisUtil project uses a Makefile.
(Optional) You might find C in 100 Seconds by Fireship interesting.

K&R: Ch. 1 - 1.6 (Overview of C)
K&R: 6.1 - 6.2, 6.7

DisUtil Project
Clone the repository for the Disassembler Utilities Project from Kit
Videos — You can watch these in class if you bring earphones
Intro to DisUtil Project and how to run it - 7:40 min
stdin, stdout, stderr - 5 min
Intro to disUtilDriver (main) - 7:44 min
Explanation of file pointers (FILE *): 1:00 - 2:58
Explanation of process_arguments function: 3:00 - 5:00
Intro to verifyMIPInstruction - 2 min
Intro to binToDec and testBinToDec - 5:19 min
Show students how they can see their Repository Log in Kit.
Go over Pointer Exercise questions #1-4 (pdf version)

DisUtil Project
Disassembler Utilities Project
Watch/re-watch DisUtil videos as needed

Tip: VS Code has 2 formatting shortcuts:
⇧⌥F/Shift-Alt-F/Ctrl-Shift-I (Mac, Windows, Linux) - Format active document
Command-K Command-F (Mac) or Ctrl-K Ctrl-F (Windows, Linux) - Format selection
You might need to install the C/C++ Extension first. You might also need this .jsbeautifyrc file to update your settings to use the Braces Line Up style pattern.
Thurs 2
Even More C Videos:
How Variables are Laid Out in Memory - 8 min (slide)
Common Pass-by-Reference Error - 2 min (slide)
typedef - 3.5 min (slide)

Videos on Number Representation:
Representing Positive and Negative Integers - 17 min (first 1.5 minutes — review of binary numbers; next 1.5 minutes cover unsigned integers — positive-only; rest of video covers signed integers — positive and negative) (slides)
Sign Extension for Integers - 2 min (slide)
Read about recognizing overflow (required!) and proving that the algorithm for computing two's complement works (optional) in this slide. (There is no video for these topics).

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 2.4: Signed and Unsigned Integers
Ch. 3.1: Introduction to Chapter on Arithmetic
Ch. 3.2: Addition and Subtraction
Ch. 3.3: Multiplication
In Class:
HW: Interpreting Binary Data, Part A
(will be handed in with Part B)
Quick introduction to the K Sub-MIPS Simulator, which we will use next week.

Very Important Handout:
Continuously adding 1 to signed integers (credit:

Continue working on the Disassembler Utilities Project

Submit to Kit: Week 2 Reflection is due Sunday evening
Week 3
Tues 3
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday: Disassembler Utilities Project

Video on Number Representation:
Representing Floating Point Numbers - 15 min (slides)

Intro to MIPS Assembly Language:
Slide: Quick Intro to Various Types of Memory
What is MIPS? - 2 min (slides)
High-Level Languages to Simplest Assembly Instructions - 3.5 min (Slides go into more detail, with more examples.) (Optional: Older, longer version of video that matches slides - 8.5 min)
Load/Store (the Basics) - 6+ min (slides)
Comments - 1.5 min

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 3.5: Representation, pp. 242 - 250
Ch. 3.5: Floating-Point Addition to end of 3.5
Ch. 3.9, 3.10: Conclusion, Historical Perspective
Figure 2.15 in section 2.9
HW: Interpreting Binary Data, Part B
(will be handed in with Part A)

First Intro to MIPS CPU Simulator
Thurs 3
Submit to Kit before Thursday:
HW: Interpreting Binary Data, Parts A & B
First Intro to MIPS CPU Simulator

More C Videos:
Strings, Arrays, Pointers, and Pointer Array Traversal - 14 min (slides)

More MIPS Videos:

Getting Values Into Registers - 12.75 min (slides) Do we need this first one? Part of it is in new video for Tuesday, and the rest seems to be in the video below for Loops and Arrays.
MIPS: Conditions - 15 min (slides)
Do Program 1 (or at least make a reasonable effort) from Thursday's Simulator Activity.
MIPS: Loops, Arrays, and Nested Loops - 13.75 min (slides)
Optional: MIPS: More Efficient Loops - 4.5 min (slides)

Instruction Summary After Loops (.html)

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 2.1 - 2.3: Computing Hardware Operations
Ch. 2.6 - 2.7: Logical Operations, Instructions for Making Decisions
Brief Introduction to Process Segments in Memory (Memory Diagram (.gif), Segments of a Process (pdf))

MIPS Conditions and Loops
If you are having difficulties with simulating blocks, you might want to "back up" to the decisions.txt worksheet (solution)

Before Tuesday: Understanding Array Indexing vs. Pointers through MIPS:
Array Indexing vs. Pointers Exercise (Replaces a video on this subject) (slide)

Watch Alyce program and step through the code that has become the Loop Example in K Sub-MIPS (from 2021, 28 min)
Nice, but it has .data and .text, and dropouts of audio around 10:25 and 11:20?

Submit to Kit: Week 3 Reflection is due Sunday evening
Week 4
Tues 4
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday:
MIPS Conditions and Loops
Array Indexing vs. Pointers Exercise

More MIPS Videos:
Implementing Procedures in MIPS - Watch first 12:50 min; skip last 4 min (slides)
(show video table of contents)
NOTE around 3:40: p. 112 in the 5th Edition of P&H is p. 97 in the 4th Edition
4:40: Remember that in the Fetch-Execute cycle, the Program Counter is always incremented after the Fetch but before the Execute.
(First 9 min are from a pre-pandemic class; rest is from 10/22.)
Optional: Watch Alyce Program Simple DisUtil-ish Procedures in MIPS (No Stack) - 22.5 min (C code used in video, MIPS translation (ignore main and testB2D from Thursday's video))
11:25 - 13:30 Describes need for Stack (concept for Thursday)
(Note that this video pre-dates our MIPS CPU Simulator.)

Is this still relevant?

Instruction Summary After Procedures (.html)

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 2.14: Arrays vs Pointers
Ch. 2.8, 2.13: Supporting Procedures, Extended Example
Ch. 2.12: Translating and Starting a Program

Very Important Handout:
Can you give me a few pointers? (credit:
MIPS: Simple Leaf Procedures (No Stack)
Thurs 4
Submit to Kit before Thursday: MIPS: Simple Leaf Procedures (No Stack)

More MIPS Videos:
Implementing Procedures in MIPS - Watch last 4 min of video from before Tuesday (slides)
Activation Records: How Procedures Use the Stack - 6:18 min (slides)
First minute is review of memory segments
1:18 First mention of the Stack Pointer register
2:07 Extended example of Activation Records on the Stack, with dynamic diagram
Optional: Watch Alyce Program DisUtil-ish Procedures in MIPS Using the Stack - 19.5 min (C code used in video, MIPS translation)
Note: In testB2D, I forgot to copy $a0 to $s0, which was the whole point of saving $s0 to the stack! I could have done that right after storing $ra and $s0 to the stack.
Note2: I also forgot the jr $ra at the end of testB2D! The code provided here includes both corrections.

Is this still relevant?

Optional: Two More MIPS Procedure Examples (1 leaf procedure, 1 simple stack example)
Should make short video about conventions about which registers to use?
In Class: MIPS Procedure Calls Using the Stack

Submit to Kit: Week 4 Reflection is due Sunday evening
Week 5
Tues 5
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday: MIPS Procedure Calls Using the Stack

MIPS Videos — Assembly → Machine Code:
MIPS/RISC Design Principles (13 min) (RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer) (slides)
Machine Code Layout for All 3 Formats - 10 min (slides)
Layout for Instructions with Unusual Formats - 16 min

Disassembler Prep: Clone Repository:
Clone the disassembler repository from Kit, then follow the instructions in to copy over the appropriate files files from your DisUtil repository. Then do a git add and git commit -m "Include DisUtil code".)
Optional: Watch Alyce set up the Disassembler project - 5.5 min
This video was created before I created the encode/decode project. NEED A NEW VIDEO HERE!

Read over the Goals, the first paragraph of the Behavioral Requirements, and the first paragraph of the Design and Coding Tips in the Disassembler PP

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 2.5, 2.10: Mapping Assembly → Machine Code (end of 2.10 is particularly relevant for Disassembler project)
Ch. 2.18, 2.19: MIPS Design Considerations
Testing: Code Coverage & Boundary Testing

What is an Assembler? A Disassembler? What purposes do they serve?

Disassembler PP

Optional: Watch Alyce get started with the Disassembler project - 28.5 min
This video was created before I created the encode/decode project. When you get to the 11 minute mark, skip to the 14 minute mark, because you have already implemented getRegName. (If you want, watch 13:30 - 14:00, which talks about the precondition.) Similarly, you can skip from 21:05 to 23:57, which covers getIJInstName and getRInstName, which you have already implemented.

Final Instruction Summary (.html)
Assembly ←→ Machine Instruction Mappings
Full Register Table
Thurs 5
Videos — The Assembler Process:
Programming the PDP 11 (From DePauw Univ., May 2000) (In four parts, about 16 minutes total — Watch for the two-pass assembler!)
Optional: What (and Why) is a Label Table? — If you still have questions about the purpose or contents of a label table after doing the CPU Simulator exercises, watch the first 5:12 minutes on What and Why (Skip the final 7 minutes on How) (slides)
This video was created before we had the CPU Simulator exercises.
Topic: Developing A Thorough Test Suite

Continue working on the Disassembler PP

No Week 5 Reflection (Break!)
(but beware of 30 minutes worth of videos to watch before Tuesday)
Week 6
Tues 6
Review of AND, OR, NOT and Truth Tables from COMP 105 (Optional):
Boolean Operations and Truth Tables - 8 min   (slides)

Videos — Logic Gates → Arithmetic:
Introduction to Logic Gates (11.5 min) (slides)
Going from Truth Tables to Gates - 4 min (slide)
How Do Computers Do Binary Addition? - 10 min (slides)

External Video: How are Microchips Made? - 5.5 min
(Optional) Read this July 2023 New York Times article on new chips for AI

Very Important Handouts:
Very Important circuit diagram :-)
Very Important literary circuit diagram :-)
HW: Interpreting Binary Data, Part C

Optional Mind-Stretching Exercise: HW: MIPS (C)

Finish the Disassembler PP
Start the LabelTable project.
Watch 2nd Half of Label Table Intro — What are the Data Structures? — 7 min starting at the 5:12 min mark (slides)
Clone the Label Table repository and complete the functions in LabelTableArrayList.c.

Optional Videos — Label Table:
Watch Alyce program and test the printLabels and findLabel functions — 19 min (findLabel is now findLabelAddr in LabelTableArrayList.c — you are finding the address for a label)
Watch Alyce program and test the initTable and addLabel functions — 20.5 min (labelDuplicate is now duplLabelName in LabelTableArrayList.c)
Thurs 6
Submit to Kit before Thursday: HW: Interpreting Binary Data, Part C
Submit to Kit before Thursday: Disassembler PP

Videos — More Gates, ALU:
ALU and MUX - 13 min (slides)
Memory Latches - 8 min (slides - pdf, clock and D-Latch slides - pdf)
Optional: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA) - 7 min (slides)

Student comments: MUX still confusing until after watching PLA video; PLA video felt much longer than it needed to be.

Show Memory Latch in (See Gate produced by Jackson K-T)
In-Class Gate-Related Activity

Very Important literary circuit diagram :-)

Presentation Topics (with link to Guide)

Submit to Kit: Week 6 Reflection is due Sunday evening
Week 7
Tues 7
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday:
In-Class Gate-Related Activity

Videos — Single-Cycle Datapath:
Single-Cycle Intro and the Register File in depth - 6:44 min (slides)
Single-Cycle Datapath (before adding control lines) - 17:27 min (slides)
Single-Cycle Datapath, including control lines - 6:13 min (slides)
Full Datapath diagrams for add, sw, lw, beq, j (not in video, but should be!)

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
4.1-4.3: Single-cycle Datapath
4.4: Implementing Control

Choose a presentation topic; fill in the Sign-Up Sheet in the Files tab of the General channel in the CS 230 Team. (Presentations will be due Sunday before 10th Week.)
HW: Single-Cycle Datapath
Example diagrams for add, sw, lw, beq, j (pdf) (pptx)

Last half-hour of class:
Single-Cycle Datapath Stages, including timings - 8:46 min (slides)
Fill in the Single-cycle Datapath column in question 1 of HW: Single-Cycle, Multi-Cycle, Pipelined Datapaths
Thurs 7
Videos — Multi-Cycle and Pipeline Datapaths:
Multi-Cycle Datapath - 7 min (PowerPoint slides)
Pipeline Basics - 13 min (some of the slides (pdf), some more of the slides (pdf))
Recommended, but not Required: Addressing Pipeline Hazards - 8.5 min (same sources as for Pipeline Basics)

Transcript for this video has not been cleaned up yet!
Required: Pipeline Summary - 1 min (slide (pdf - pg 19 of 32))

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 4.5-4.8, 4.14,4.15: Pipelining & Conclusions
Complete HW: Single-Cycle, Multi-Cycle, Pipelined Datapaths

Complete HW: Single-Cycle Datapath if not completed already

Submit to Kit: Week 7 Reflection is due Sunday evening
Week 8
Tues 8
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday:
HW: Single-Cycle Datapath
HW: Single-Cycle, Multi-Cycle, Pipelined Datapaths

Videos — Memory Caches:
Review Slide: Quick Intro to Various Types of Memory
Important Background: Memory Addressing - 11 min (slide - click about 7 times to see entire page)
Cache Concepts - 12 min (slides)
Direct-Mapped Caches - 16.5 min (continuation of same slides)
Note: I forgot to say the most important thing up front: many words in Memory map to the same line in the Cache, but only one of them is actually there at any one time!

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 5.1 and 5.2: Cache Basics, Direct-Mapped Caches

Very Important Handout: 60 Years of Hardware Evolution

If you haven't started LabelTable:
Clone the LabelTable repository from Kit.

See Week 6 for videos on the Label Table data structure and how to complete the Label Table implementation.
Direct-Mapped Caches: Questions 1 - 6 (skip 7 and 8 for now) in HW: Caches
Thurs 8
Submit to Kit before Thursday: Label Table Project

Videos — Memory Caches:
Set Associative Caches - 10 min (continuation of same slides)
Caches in Action: Instruction Cache and Data Cache in the Datapath - 1.5 min

For more depth, read Patterson & Hennessy:
Ch. 5.3: Set Associative Cache
Optional: Ch. 5.4: Virtual Memory

Set Associative Caches: Questions 7 and 8 in HW: Caches

Submit to Kit: Week 8 Reflection is due Sunday evening
Week 9
Tues 9
Due Sunday Evening: Weekly Reflection for previous week
Submit to Kit before Tuesday: HW: Caches

Videos — Assembler:
Description of existing Pass 1 code — 9 min (plus optional 4.5 minutes on how getLabel works)
(From 1:00 - 3:55 is review from end of 2nd Label Table video)

Transcript has not been cleaned up yet!
Description of Pass 2 (not including functions in printAsBinary.c) — 17 min

Transcript has not been cleaned up yet!
Introduction to functions in printAsBinary.c — 9 min

Transcript has not been cleaned up yet!

Preparing for Assembler Project:
Clone the Assembler repository from Kit.
Copy *.c, *.h, and sm*.mips from your LabelTable directory to your Assembler directory, and do a git add and commit -m "Include LabelTable code".

Presentation: Work on your presentation — due Sunday before 10th Week
(Presentation Guide)
Work on Assembler Programming Project
Download new smallSampleTestfile.mips.decimal
Copy testPass1.c to assembler.c and uncomment the 2 lines of code for pass2, if you haven't already. Compile and run with sample test file.
Change printf in processR to
   printInt(0, 6);
printReg(arguments[1], lineNum);
printInt(functCode, 6);
Add printInt(opCode, 6); to existing processIorJ function.
Start coding getOpCode, getFunctCode and printReg in any order. Test early and often. Improve processR, processIorJ, printJumpTarget, and printBranchOffset as needed.
Thurs 9
Presentation: Work on your presentation — due Sunday before 10th Week
(Presentation Guide)

Assembler: Continue working on Assembler Programming Project

Assembler Programming Project
Continue working on Assembler Programming Project

No Week 9 Reflection

Upload your presentation to the Student Presentations folder in the Files tab of the General channel no later than Sunday evening.
Don't assign this on Kit until ready to enter Presentation grades! Much cleaner, more reliable to have students upload to the Student Presentations folder on the Teams site.
Week 10
Tues 10
By Sunday evening: Upload your presentation to the Student Presentations folder in the Files tab of the General channel.
Don't assign this on Kit until ready to enter Presentation grades! Much cleaner, more reliable to have students upload to the Student Presentations folder on the Teams site.

Assembler: Continue working on Assembler Programming Project
Wrap up

Course-specific evaluation questions for this course?
Course evaluations
Thurs 10
Watch Student Presentations and Submit Reflective Responses to Kit.
Submit the 3 required reflections in one assignment, and up to 5 additional reflections in the second assignment. Use this Markdown template.
Provide some guidance on whether the extra 5 are optional, who should do it, what the impact will be!
Work on Assembler Programming Project

Assignments Due End of 10th Week:
Submit to Kit: Assembler Programming Project — Due Friday of 10th Week

Submit to Kit: Final Reflection is due Tuesday evening