Set Up Git and Kit

Create a Directory for this Course

If you haven't already, create a directory (the UNIX/Linux name for a folder) for this course.

    cd              (this will go to your "home directory" on this system)
    pwd             (this will show you the full pathname of your home dir)
    mkdir cs230     (make a directory called cs230 -- or whatever you want)
    cd cs230        (change directory to the new directory -- use whatever you called it)
    pwd             (this will show you the full pathname of your new dir)

Set up SSH Keys and Share with Kit (one-time per device)

If you have never used Git and Kit together before, you will first need to set up a public SSH key on your laptop and share it with Kit. There is a Kit Help File that will step you through this. Setting Up SSH Keys. (If your computer doesn't want to show you this Markdown file, you can use this plain text version.)

Avoid the 2 most common mistakes people make!
  1. When creating your keys, don't provide a filename or pass phrase — just hit return to leave them blank, or you'll complicate things.
  2. Pay particular attention to what makes up your public key.

I've created a video on configuring Git and setting up SSH keys (7.5 min).

Configure Git (one-time per device)

If you have never used Git at all, you will need to configure it on your laptop to tell it who you are and how to communicate with you. You only need to do this once on your computer, although if you switch to a different computer later you will need to do it again on that machine. There is another Kit Help File that will step you through this. Setting Up SSH Keys. (If your computer doesn't want to show you this Markdown file, you can use this plain text version.)