Programming Project: Cloning and Submitting Git Repository Projects in Kit

In this project, you will clone a Git repository from Kit, modify the program, test it, and commit and push your changes back to Kit. This project provides practice with basic C programming and using git for the edit/add/commit/push software development cycle. (Additional Reference: The Kit Help Page Working with Kit Repositories (plain text version) covers the commands introduced in this assignment.)

You should work on this project individually. You may talk to your neighbors in class, or to friends or the TAs in the Collaboration Center, but you should submit your own work. Don't forget to document any help you receive in your program.

Clone the PowersOfTwo Project:

Throughout this course, you will be submitting your programs to Kit as Git repositories. This means that you need to start each assignment by cloning an existing Kit repository for the assignment. Some starting repositories will be empty; some will come with code for you to modify or enhance.

The mv ("move") command renames the repository directory to a name that more clearly identifies this project. This will be useful when you have several projects that would otherwise have nearly identical names.

Explore the Project:

Modify the PowersOfTwo Project:

Go Further:

You can complete the edit/add/commit/push cycle repeatedly. In fact, pushing versions of your project while it is still under construction is a way to create backups of your work as you go.

"Turn In" the Project:

There is a somewhat dated video Using Git to Get/Submit Code to/from Kit (or Watch Alyce program Project 1a) (13.5 min) that goes through similar steps, but with a "Hello, world!" program instead of a PowersOfTwo program. Note: The issues with the Turn In button have been fixed, so you can ignore my comments about that in the last minute of the video.