Reflection on Week 6

Here is a basic Markdown template you can use for this week (and most of the quarter).

Part I: Reflection — Things I learned this week from the readings, videos, assignments, and/or in-class activities

(Don't just list things. Reflect. For example, you might think about the following questions, or others that occur to you: Etc. From week to week, different questions might strike you as useful prompts to help you reflect on your learning experience.)

Part II: Specific Questions for this Week

  1. How does the ALU implement subtraction?
  2. Within the ALU, how is the subtraction operation related to (or used by) the slt and beq instructions?
  3. Given that electricity likes to flow, not stay still, how does a memory circuit "hold" or "store" a value?
  4. How do memory latches and the ALU you developed this week relate to modern microchips?