MIPS: Summary After Loops


Arithmetic Instructions

Name Syntax Meaning
add add $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs + $rt
addu addu $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs + $rt (unsigned)
sub sub $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs - $rt
subu subu $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs - $rt (unsigned)
addi addi $rd, $rs, constantValue $rd = $rs + constantValue
addiu addiu $rd, $rs, constantValue $rd = $rs + constantValue (unsigned)

Logical Instructions (so far)

Name Syntax Meaning
sll (shift left logical) sll $rd, $rs, shiftAmount shift $rd by shiftAmount, put in $rd
srl (shift right logical) srl $rd, $rs, shiftAmount shift $rd by shiftAmount, put in $rd

Memory Access Instructions (so far)

Name Syntax Meaning
lw (load word) lw $rd, offset($base) load word from address ($base+offset) to $rd
sw (store word) sw $rs, offset($base) store word from $rs to address ($base+offset)

Branch-Related Instructions (so far)

Name Syntax Meaning
beq (branch on equal) beq $rs, $rt, label branch to label if $rs == $rt
bne (branch on not equal) bne $rs, $rt, label branch to label if $rs != $rt
slt (set on less than) slt $rd, $rs, $rt set $rd to 1 if $rs < $rt
sltu (set on less than) sltu $rd, $rs, $rt set $rd to 1 if $rs < $rt (unsigned)

Jump Instructions (so far)

Name Syntax Meaning
j j label j to the address associated with label

Registers (so far)

Number Name Comments
0$zero constant 0
temporary (not preserved across function call)
temporary (not preserved across function call)
saved temporary (preserved across function call)
saved temporary (preserved across function call)
temporary (not preserved across function call)
temporary (not preserved across function call)


Alyce Brady, Kalamazoo College