Package edu.kzoo.grid.display

Interface Summary
DisplayDecorator Grid Display Package:
A DisplayDecorator provides an interface for any decorator that will be used in the Display package.
GridBackgroundDisplay Grid Display Package:
The GridBackgroundDisplay interface specifies the method that must be provided by any class used to display a Grid background.
GridDisplay Grid Display Package:
The GridDisplay interface specifies the methods that must be provided by any class used to display a Grid object and its contents.
GridObjectDisplay Grid Display Package:
The GridObjectDisplay interface contains the method needed to display an object in a grid.
PseudoInfiniteViewport.Pannable The Pannable interface contains those methods that the view in a PseudoInfiniteViewport needs to support to enable panning behavior along with scrolling.

Class Summary
CheckeredBackgroundDisplay Grid Display Package:
The GridBackgroundDisplay interface specifies the method that must be provided by any class used to display a Grid background.
ColorBlockDisplay Grid Display Package:
A ColorBlockDisplay object displays a ColorBlock object, or any object with a color method, as a color block in a grid.
DefaultDisplay Grid Display Package:
A DefaultDisplay draws a centered question-mark.
DefaultDisplayFactory Grid Display Package:
The DefaultDisplayFactory class contains methods that provide a suitable default display for a given class.
DisplayMap Grid Display Package:
DisplayMap is a collection that maps grid object classes to objects that know how to display them.
PictureBlockDisplay Grid Display Package:
A PictureBlockDisplay object displays a PictureBlock object, or any object with a pictureIcon method, as a picture in a grid.
PseudoInfiniteViewport AP® Computer Science Marine Biology Simulation:
A PseudoInfiniteViewport is a JViewport subclass that translates scroll actions into pan actions across an unbounded view.
RotatedDecorator Grid Display Package:
A RotatedDecorator will allow a display to change as the object it is associated with changes direction.
ScaledDisplay Grid Display Package:
This abstract class provides common implementation code for drawing a GridObject object.
ScaledImageDisplay Grid Display Package:
A ScaledImageDisplay uses an image read from a file to represent an object in a location in a grid.
ScaledImageTintDecorator Grid Display Package:
A tinting decorator for a ScaledImageDisplay.
ScrollableGridDisplay Grid Display Package:
A ScrollableGridDisplay is a panel containing a scrollable graphical display of a grid.
TextAndIconRenderer Grid Display Package:
The TextAndIconRenderer class provides a renderer that paints both the text and the icon of a JLabel.
TextCellDisplay Grid Display Package:
A TextCellDisplay object displays a TextCell object (or any object with text and color methods) in a grid.
TextDisplay Grid Display Package:
A TextDisplay draws a centered text string in a grid cell.