Marine Biology Simulation
Case Study


Case studies are a teaching tool used in many disciplines.  They have been a part of the AP® Computer Science curriculum since the 1994-95 academic year.  They give students an opportunity to:

The Java-based Marine Biology Simulation case study presents a simplified version of a simulation program that could be used to help marine biologists study fish movement in a small, bounded environment such as a lake or bay.  It was a required part of the AP Computer Science  A and AB curricula from 2003-2004 through 2006-2007. (Computer Science A students were expected to be familiar with the material in chapters 1 - 4 of the case study narrative; AB students were expected to be familiar with the material in all 5 chapters.)

Basic links for downloading and using the Marine Biology Simulation case study:

As you get started, you should:

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Last modified on 5 January 2019 by Alyce Brady.