The Presentation Guide document is available online.
This page is under construction. I will be assigning presentation dates soon. (The given years indicate early development or "first appeared" dates; they are somewhat misleading because it often took a number of years before compilers for these languages were widely available and they started to be used beyond their original research groups. A second date appears if there is a later, more famous/influential release.)
Plankalkül (mid-1940's, 1948):
B-0, FLOW-MATIC (1955):
FORTRAN (1957, 1962 — Fortran IV; 1990 is a much later variation):
Lisp (1958):
COBOL (1959):
Algol (1958, 1960):
SNOBOL (1962):
APL (1966):
BASIC (1964):
Simula (1962, 1967):
PL/1 (1964):
Pascal (1970):
C (1972):
Prolog (1972):
ML (early 1970's):
Modula-2 (1978):
awk (1977):
Smalltalk (1972, 1980), Squeak (1996):
Ada (1980-81):
Objective C (1983):
C++ (1983):
Eiffel (1986):
Perl (1987):
Haskell (1990):
Python (1991):
Visual Basic (1991):
Lua (1993):
R (1993):
Java (1995):
PHP (1995):
Ruby (1995):
Javascript (1995):
C# (2000):
Scratch (2003):
Scala (2003):
Go (2009):
Rust (2010):
Swift (2014):
In addition to the programming languages listed above, presentations on XML, Config, and YAML could be interesting, as could a presentation on SQL (1972). If there are other languages that someone would like to present on, please contact me; if we have enough coverage of the fundamental, historical languages, then I'm happy to consider a variety of other possibilities.