Jay Follow-up
Pick one topic from Chapters 5 - 10 of our textbook and discuss what it
would mean to add it to Jay.
Some examples include:
- For loops (advanced feature might include comma-separated
Operator precedence (e.g., multiplication and division having
precedence over addition and subtraction)
- A conditional operator (e.g., C's condition ? expr1 : expr2)
- Combination assignment operators (+=, -=, etc)
- Arrays (or lists)
- Global, local, and block scope
- Ability to intermingle statements and declarations in a block
- Ability to initialize variables in declarations
- Function calls with in-parameters only
- Procedure calls with in, out, and in/out parameters (or in
parameters and nested state)
- goto (hahaha)
- Are there some functional operations/characteristics that would
be interesting to add to this procedural language?