Conditional Statements

Multiple Alternatives: If/Else If/Else Statements

Sometimes there are several alternative actions, only one of which should be performed, depending on a set of conditions.

For example, a program might print out different greetings depending on the time of day.

    int hour = aClock.getHour();     // getHour returns 0 - 24
    Greeter host = new Greeter();
    if ( hour < 12 )
        host.sayThis("Good morning.");
    else if ( hour < 17 )
        host.sayThis("Good afternoon.");
    else if ( hour < 20 )
        host.sayThis("Good evening.");
        host.sayThis("Good night.");
    host.sayThis("Welcome to the FormalGreetings Restaurant.");
    // Follow-up code goes here.

Alyce Brady, Kalamazoo College