Marine Biology Simulation Quick Reference Sheet

BoundedGrid (Grid Package)


public BoundedGrid(int rows, int cols) Constructs an empty grid with the specified dimensions; each cell has 4 neighbors.
public BoundedGrid(boolean includeDiagonals, int rows, int cols) Constructs an empty grid with the specified dimensions; if includeDiagonals is true, each cell has 8 neighbrs.
Accessor methods dealing with grid dimensions, locations, and navigation
public int numRows() Returns number of rows in grid.
public int numCols() Returns number of columns in grid.
public boolean isEmpty(Location loc) Returns true if loc is a valid location in this grid and is empty; otherwise returns false.
public boolean isValid(Location loc) Returns true if loc is a valid location in this grid; otherwise returns false.
public Direction randomDirection() Generates a random direction.
public Direction getDirection(Location fromLoc, Location toLoc) Returns the direction from one location to another.
public Location getNeighbor(Location fromLoc, Direction compassDir) Returns the adjacent neighbor of a location in the specified direction.
public ArrayList neighborsOf(Location ofLoc) Returns a list of the neighbors to the north, south, east, and west of the given location
Methods to add/retrieve/remove objects
public void add(GridObject obj, Location loc) Adds the specified object to the grid at the specified location.
public GridObject objectAt(Location loc) Returns the object at location loc
public void remove(Location loc) Removes whatever object is at the specified location in this grid.

Location and Direction (Grid Package)


public Location(int row, int col) Constructs a location object with the specified row and column.
public int row() Returns the row associated with this location.
public int col() Returns the column associated with this location.


Useful named constants
Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST
Direction.NORTHEAST, Direction.NORTHWEST, Direction.SOUTHEAST, Direction.SOUTHWEST

Fish (MBS; highlighted methods are inherited from GridObject)


public Fish(Grid env, Location loc) Constructs a fish at the specified location in a given environment.
public Fish(Grid env, Location loc, Direction dir) Constructs a fish at the specified location and direction in a given environment.
public Fish(Grid env, Location loc, Direction dir, Color col) Constructs a fish of the specified color at the specified location and direction.
Accessor methods
public int id() Returns this fish's ID.
public Color color() Returns this fish's color.
public boolean isInAGrid() Checks whether this object is in a grid. (inherited from GridObject)
public Grid grid() Returns the grid in which this grid object exists. (inherited from GridObject)
public Location location() Returns this fish's location. (inherited from GridObject)
public Direction direction() Returns this fish's direction.
public String toString() Returns a string representing key information about this fish. (redefines behavior in GridObject)
Action and modifier methods
public void act() Acts for one step in the simulation. (redefines behavior in GridObject)
Protected helper methods used by public methods
protected void addToGrid(Grid grid, Location loc) Adds this object to the specified grid at the specified location. (used indirectly by constructor) (inherited from GridObject)
protected void move() Moves this fish in its environment. (used by act method)
protected Location nextLocation() Returns the row associated with this location. (used by move method)
protected ArrayList emptyNeighbors() Finds empty locations adjacent to this fish. (used indirectly by move method)
protected void changeLocation(Location newLoc) Modifies this fish's location and notifies the grid. (used by move method) (inherited from GridObject)
protected void changeDirection(Direction newDir) Modifies this fish's direction. (used by move method)

Alyce Brady, Kalamazoo College