Mini-Lab: Invoking Methods

Using a Clock object to create a timestamp

This mini-lab should be done individually. It is okay to get help from the TAs and/or the instructor if you get stuck, but you should try to do it on your own first.

Tip: You should get into the habit of making backup copies of your work.

In this mini-lab you will be getting the time from a Clock object and printing a timestamp. You'll be able to use this functionality next week in Lab 2, where the first step is to generate a timestamp.

The output of your program should consist of a welcome message and the timestamp. For example,

    Welcome to the Timestamp Mini-Lab.
    Timestamp:  11:45
    Welcome to the Timestamp Mini-Lab.
    Timestamp:  02:23

Implementation: A good software development practice is to start by writing the smallest amount of code that you can test, test it, then continue by adding small, incremental changes and testing all along the way. (This is sometimes known as Agile Development, Iterative, Incremental Development, or "always have working code.")

You do not need to submit this mini-lab. You will be adding to it in lab next Tuesday.