Textual Analysis Lab Series

Word Frequency Project

Finding Maximum Values

This set of exercises is a follow-up to the Word Counting and Word Counting labs. In these exercises, you will be doing additional textual analysis, finding the most frequently used words in the text. Add these exercises to your existing project, but print an extra newline or a string of dashes (e.g.,--------------) or other visual delimiter (e.g.,=== New Exercises ===) to your output to set the new exercises off from the old. (You may want to add something similar in a comment in your code, too, to set the two sets of exercises off from each other.)

Frequency Analysis

You have already identified how many words occur only once in the text, but what word occurs most frequently. This is an example of a classic Extreme Value problem (find the minimum or maximum value in a list).

Style and Documentation

Zip and Submit Your Program.

Submit your completed program to Kit.