COMP 150 - Object-Oriented Programming
A new quarter begins and new knowledge awaits! Welcome to Object-Oriented Programming (COMP 150). This is a core class for all computer scientists where you learn fundamental concepts of programming and the programming process to help you thrive in the world of computers.

And along the way we'll try to have some fun: build an aquarium, do a little literary analysis, create simulations of a marine environment, a soil analysis experiment, and mice in a maze, …. Through it all, allow yourself to experiment, to get stuck, to ask questions, and to experience the satisfaction of a well-solved puzzle!

We have an awesome group of TAs at the CS Collaboration Center (OU 312 or online in the CS Collaboration Center Teams site) where you can go and ask any questions you have. And, of course, both of us have office hours available to you, in-person and virtually. Check our weekly schedules and please stop by: we can talk about the things you don't understand, the things you do, and other related (or unrelated) topics. We are also often available to meet outside of posted office hours, so please send a message if you'd like to meet at a different time.
One last thing: