Art Catalog Mini-Labs & Lab -- Rubric Student Name(s): Code: Maximize the checkboxes! (Mini-Labs 7 and 8) - Have a function that creates 1 record using ___ reasonable parameter & attribute names - Have function that creates an array of records ___ - Have a function that inserts 1 record's worth of data ___ in cells in 1 row - Have a function that updates an entire table calling ___ the insert row function above - Code meets expectations (most or all criteria are met). Check your progress against the checkboxes above. ___ / 1 =============== (Mini-Lab 9 and Lab 4) - Have a swap function ___ - Have a findMinimumName function (name might be different) ___ - Have a sortByName function (or similar name) ___ that calls findMinimumName and swap. (Should call those function rather than reimplementing findMin/swap functionality in the sort function.) - Have a Sort button with appropriate name ___ - Code meets expectations (most or all criteria are met). Check your progress against the checkboxes above. ___ / 1 Visible behavior - Art catalog entries are printed correctly in initial ___ / 1 table - Sort button works correctly (all entries sorted, columns ___ / 1 in correct order) Internal Documentation & Style: - Documentation and programming style points will be part of the programming project rubric. Total: ___ / 4