Extending the Graphical Marine Biology Case Study

Alyce Brady
Kalamazoo College

This programming project is based on the graphical version of the Marine Biology Case Study.*

Implement a mouse in a maze. You may use the following files to get started:

Note that the Maze and Mouse classes are very similar to the Environment and Fish classes, respectively, in the Marine Biology Simulation case study. You should also implement a graphical Display class that is based on the graphical Display class from the case study. You should be able to use the Neighborhood, Position, and RandGen classes without modification. You will need to modify utils.cpp in an extremely trivial way. You do not need simulate.cpp and simulate.h at all.

Start by implementing only those functions needed to construct and display a maze and a mouse. Either comment out the functions that you do not yet need in the Maze and Mouse header files or provide empty implementations for them in the .cpp files. Most of your work for this phase will be modifying the CMU graphics version of the Display class to display the mouse (and cheese) in a maze rather than fish in an aquarium.

Once you have the display working, you should work on implementing the other functions of Maze and Mouse and then un-comment the extra code in main.cpp.

*This assignment is an extension of the Advanced Placement Computer Science Marine Biology Simulation Case Study, available from the College Board. It uses Alyce Brady's graphical version of the case study (which, in turn, uses the CMU Graphics Package available from Mark Stehlik's web site at Carnegie Mellon University), but could be modified to work with other graphical interfaces.