Curriculum Topics
High-Level View
- Logic
- Software Development
- Design:
Object-oriented design,
Data structure design
- Implementation:
Basic programming concepts,
- Testing
- Data Structures
- Design and Analysis
- Strings, Arrays, Matrices
- Classes and Structs
- AB only: Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees
- Algorithms
- Design and Analysis
- Elementary algorithms, searching and sorting algorithms,
recursive algorithms
- Case Study
- Concepts
- Implementation
- Testing (Black box and clear box testing)
- Other
- Number Representation
- Compilation process
- Ethics
Intermediate View
- Logic
- Boolean expressions, including DeMorgan's Laws
- assertions, invariants (see Specifications)
- using Boolean expressions in conditions (e.g., if, for, while)
- Software Development
- Software Design
- Object-Oriented Design
- Data Structure Design
- Algorithm Design
- Specifications (pre- and post-conditions, invariants,
- Implementation
- Basic Programming Constructs and Elementary
- Arithmetic and Logical Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Recursion
- I/O (console and file I/O)
- Function Implementation
- Declaration and definition syntax
- Parameter passing
(AB includes passing pointers by value and reference)
- Scope
- etc.
- Testing
- Black-box testing
- Developing test plans, testing boundary conditions
- Tracing and understanding code
- Compilation vs run-time vs logical errors
- Data Structures
- Data structure design and analysis
- Strings, Arrays, and Matrices (
apstring, apvector,
- Classes and Structs
- Constructing and using aggregates of the basic data structures
listed above
AB Data Structures
- Creating Templated Classes
- Stacks and Queues (
apstack, apqueue
- Pointers
- Linked Lists
- Trees, especially binary trees and binary search trees
- Algorithms
- Basic elementary algorithms
- Recursion
- Searching algorithms
- Sorting algorithms (including merge and partition algorithms)
- Efficiency analysis (time and space): informal (A and AB) and
Big-Oh (AB only)
- Other
- Number Representation
- Compilation process
- Ethics
Detailed View
- Logic
- Boolean expressions, including DeMorgan's Laws
- assertions, invariants (see Specifications)
- using Boolean expressions in conditions (e.g., if, for, while)
- Software Development
- Software Design
- Object-Oriented Design
- Interacting objects,
Encapsulation and data hiding,
- FUTURE: Inheritance, Extending Classes
- Data Structure Design
- Data structure design and
analysis (comparing data structures, space
considerations, determining appropriateness of
different data structures for different tasks)
- Abstractions vs concrete data representation
- Specific abstractions:
one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays,
AB only: stack, queue, tree (especially binary tree),
binary search tree, priority queue
FUTURE: sets, maps, etc? iterators?
- Class design: responsibilities and data abstraction
- Implementation of concrete data structures
(see below)
- Algorithm Design
(see below)
- Specifications
- Pre- and Post-conditions
- Invariants (loop invariants, FUTURE: object invariants?)
- Assertions
- Implementation
- Basic Programming Constructs
- Arithmetic and Logical Operators
- identifying the type of an expression
- arithmetic operator precedence
- integer division, mod operator
- short-circuit of && and || operators
- Conditional Statements
- if patterns, such as
if (no else), if / else, if / else if / else if / else patterns,
nested ifs (e.g., two orthogonal conditions)
- switch statement
- Loops
- for, while, and do/while
- loop patterns, such as
- Process All pattern (e.g., print all, compute sum, etc)
- find min/max
- apvector traversal, apmatrix traversal
- verifying input
- iterative binary search, iterative tree traversal (AB)
- loop invariants, loop exit conditions
- Recursion
- recursive patterns, such as
- treat the base case separately
- reversing a list
- recursive binary search, recursive tree traversal
- tail recursion?
- I/O
- standard and file i/o
- i/o patterns
- Function Implementation
- Declaration and definition syntax
- Variable scope
- Variable definition/initialization (defining primitives and
constructing objects), strong typing
- Initialized vs uninitialized values
(see Testing)
- Basic programming constructs (see above)
- Invoking methods and functions
- Parameter passing
(AB includes passing pointers by value and reference)
- Aliasing
- Member functions vs. free functions
- Templates (AB includes defining templates)
- Testing
- Black-box testing
- Developing test plans, testing boundary conditions
- Tracing and understanding code
- determining correct output or result
- identifying errors
- Compilation vs run-time vs logical errors
- Data Structures
- Data structure design and analysis
(see above)
- Strings, Arrays, and Matrices
- apstring/apvector/apmatrix indexing,
apstring/apvector traversal (forward and backward),
apmatrix traversal (top-down, left-right pattern and alternatives),
- index vs value
- off-by-one errors
- string concatenation
- Struct:
accessing members,
struct constructors
- Classes
- OO design (see above)
- responsibilities of various classes
- reading interfaces, including function signatures and
pre/postconditions (understand function behavior and
determine calling syntax)
- accessors vs modifiers (including const member function syntax)
- invoking methods in client code
- constructors (declaring, defining, and using)
- initialization lists
- defining member functions (see Function
Implementation above)
- accessing members (data & functions) within object
- client and object access to public vs private members
- concept (encapsulation) and recognizing valid/invalid code
- helper functions
- object invariants? (see Specifications)
- Constructing and using aggregates of the basic data structures
listed above
AB Data Structures
- Creating Templated Classes
- Stacks and Queues
- using stack/queue abstract data types
- stack/queue implementation
- Pointers
- understanding pointers (following code)
- dereferencing pointers
- pointers & types: type of pointer, and type of dereferenced pointer
- dynamic memory allocation (new) [delete is now useful,
but not tested]
- Linked Lists
- nodes
- linked list traversal
- recursive linked list traversal
- insertion in order, deletion
- singly-linked vs doubly-linked implementations
- following pointers
- Trees, especially binary trees
- leaf vs non-leaf nodes
- binary tree traversal: recursive and iterative
- pre-order, in-order, post-order patterns
- traversals that treat leaves and non-leaves differently
(e.g., count all leaves)
- binary search trees (building, searching, traversing)
- Algorithms
- Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Basic elementary patterns (see implementation section,
especially basic programming constructs)
- Recursion (including base cases, off-by-one errors)
- Searching algorithms: sequential (sorted and unsorted data), binary,
hash tables and hash functions
- Sorting algorithms (currently insertion, selection, merge, quick, heap)
- Related algorithms: merge and partition algorithms
- Efficiency analysis (time and space): informal (A and AB) and
Big-Oh (AB only)
- Algorithm Implementation
- Implementation of searching and sorting algorithms,
including merge and partition algorithms
- Other
- Number Representation
- Binary numbers, decimal numbers
- Converting binary <-> decimal
- Numerical limits
- Difference between floating point numbers and
real numbers
- Compilation process
- Compiling, linking, executing
- Compilation errors vs. run-time errors vs. logical errors
- Ethics
This page is maintained by Alyce Brady
(abrady@kzoo.edu) at
Kalamazoo College.
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